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Submission guidelines

Creative non-fiction​

Please refrain from having your name on the document itself. That includes the heading and footer.
Send up to 3 pieces of non-fiction, no more than 2,500 words each.
Please put them both in one document. These are personal essays or memoir-style essays that follow the literary qualities of creative nonfiction, such as using a first-person point of view to reflect on your past, or incorporating creative research or immersive journalism in order to show insight into a topic. Again, submit all of your non-fiction pieces in a single file, and clearly identify each title in the body of the email. (Title A/Title B/Title C.)


We’re not going to reject your story if it has an error or two in it, but do your best to proofread your piece before sending it. Please make sure that you read your work out loud. We might get tired of reading and that would be a shame to everyone.

Please refrain from having your name on the document itself. That includes the heading and footer. 

If you’re sending multiple pieces, that’s fine. Please clearly indicate each story in a single file, and create a title in the body of your email using the following format: Title A/Title B/Title C.


Send up to 8 poems in a standard font. We read blind, so keep your name off the work itself and the file name. Again, submit all of your poems in a single file, and clearly identify each title in the body of the email. (Title A/Title B/Title C.). We just want to know the names of what you submit so when we go back to send you a decision letter we know who wrote what wonderful piece.

Make sure to check your work for errors. This is even more important with poetry. We want your work to look exactly like you mean it to look.

Visual arts

Now this is the only category that has the least requirements. We would like to pair our stories and poetry with a strong visual, and we would like those to come from you. Our only requirement is that the work belongs to you and that it comes to us in at least 970×970.

You may submit up to 12 images at a time. We are looking for photographs, paintings, or other artistic images.

© 2024 by The Pharmacy Theatre Company

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